Sexual Orientation

Intersectionality in Psychology

Understanding the interconnected nature of social identities in experiences and perception

The Role of Stereotypes in Hierarchy Maintenance

Understanding the role of stereotypes in hierarchy maintenance

Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination at the intersection of race and gender: an intersectional theory primer

This review serves as a primer for conducting intersectionally-informed research within social psychology, using the intersection of race and gender within the United States as a case study.

Applying Intersectionality to Organizational Experiences

DEI Presentation at the 2024 Berkeley Culture Connect Conference

Sexual orientation and race mute the prescriptive nature of gender stereotypes

Examining gender normative stereotypes at the intersection of sexual orientation (Study 1) and race (Study 2), we find evidence of prototypicality biases and muted gender differences between men and women of non-prototypical groups.

Low status, not gender inversion, better explains expectations of gay men and lesbian women’s competencies in the United States

Gender inversion does not explain in what domains people anticipated competence from gay men and lesbian women.

Gay = STIs? Associations between gay and lesbian sexual health stereotypes and prejudice in healthcare

Across five studies, we document the persistent stereotypes that gay men are promiscuous and have riskier sex. We also find that people have similar stereotypes of lesbian women, albeit to a lesser degree, and these stereotypes have implications for prejudice and discrimination.